Sunday, August 2, 2009

Update on the Orange Creamsicle Garden...

Here in the northeast we are still wondering when summer will arrive. We have had lots of rain and unusually chilly and humid days. The rain has been great for the lawns as ours is normally pretty sad looking by the time August rolls around. This year the lawn is still wearing it's spring colors; several shades of lush green. We love the tapestry of texture and color that comes from allowing clover and other 'weeds' to grow in with the grass.

Anyway, I started seeds for dwarf cosmos, zinnias and sunflowers in the Orange Creamsicle Garden. I had to completely replant it when all the seeds failed in the heavy non-stop rains of June. What did grow became salad for the chipmunks. We had late afternoon sun yesterday and this is how the garden looked. Still a few empty spots where sunflowers have been planted.

Dwarf cosmos ready to burst into bloom. Come on sun! I decided not to show the zinnias as they are pretty sad looking. Almost all their leaves have been chewed and ripped. As long as they are still able to flower I will be happy.

Here is the garden from another view. The white butterfly bush is beginning to bloom. The iron head board in the back will have morning glories but they too are barely growing. A few good weeks of sun will get them moving.

Then there are the coneflowers and day lilies. Whether there is alot of rain, no rain, sun or no sun - coneflowers and day lilies will grow. Gotta love them!

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